Top 50 Motivational Quotes.

Top 50 Motivational Quotes.

1. Instead of focusing on "what" you want to be, focus on "who" you want to be.

2. If you want to follow your passion, then promise yourself that one day, you will be the best in that.

3. Whenever you are in a bad time, you this want to finish your life, just make a call to your parents, you will know your real value.

4. You believe in God or not that completely your choice, but at least believe in yourself.

5. Only mad people can create history.

6. Nothing is going to change around you. If you don't want a change in yourself.

7. Everything is easy. If we think it is. Think about it.

8. Parents are the only Well-wishers in the whole world.

9. What will others think about me???. This thought is holding you back from your real potential. It just doesn't matter what others think.

10. If you have a mission in life. believe me, no one can distract you.

11. When something happens in your life that you never thought. And you are totally broken, then just remember that this is just a bad time. Sunrise will happen. "Never give up"

12. Everyone gets a choice. It's on you. You want negativity and failure or you want the positive energy and success.

13. Don't wait for a favorable time to take action. You have to take action daily to achieve your goals.

14. You have To be at your strongest. when you are feeling at your weakest.

15. Life is impossible without a struggle.

16. Never try to be the best. just defeat your own records daily, and one day you will be the best.

17. If you know you are right then you don't have to explain anything to anybody.

18. Self-confidence is nothing but our mindset and vision to see the world.

19. You hungry for success decide how big your success will be.

20. Problems are the presents in your way to success, it's on you, how you see it.

21. Don't waste your time on those who disappointed you. Don't let them drain your energy and joy.

22. Make your own Strategies and work hard on it like it's your destiny.

23. Don't wait for a miracle. Create one.

24. No one gets success overnight. only they know how hard they have worked to get it.

25. Get addict to grow daily.

26. If you make a decision. then be ready to accept its results. 

27. Life is the most unpredictable thing. so be ready to get up every time when defeats you.

28. If you really want something from life, then you have to get out of your comfort zone.

29. Never Rule your fathers empire. It's always the best to establish on your own.

30. Trust those people, who really want the best for you.

31. If you convert your pain into fire than no one in this world can stop you from achieving what you want.

32. As long as you are alive there is hope.

33. Life is impossible without a struggle. 

34. If you are alone then this is the right time to shine and show the world what you are.

35. You want peace in your life ha!!
    believe me to have that you have to go on war with yourself.

36. Smart people listen to each one's advice but do what their heart says.

37. Don't focus on what you don't have, focus on your resources and how to utilize them.

38. Never hurt your support is because they are the only people standing with you in your hard times.

39. Everything in this life begins with the challenge, nothing will come to you so easily. you have to get it.

40. Our mind continuously gives distracting us to a strong desire. Learn to control your thoughts. If you do it you will be Unstoppable.

41. You have to make a promise to yourself that, after this lockdown is over you will work more n more harder to achieve your goals.

42. Focus on what you want. Ignore all the other things from your life. you're going to get what you focus on.

43. Excuses as the biggest lies that you say to yourself. And that excuses slowly kill your dream. You can lie to the world but how can you lie to yourself.

44. Take responsibility to make your life as you want it to be. No one is going to do it for you. You are the only one who can change everything.

45. You have the power inside you. But you can discover it only when you are truly alone.

46. Life is not about giving up. it's about how many times you fall and get up again and again to fight. 

47. If you want to be a Mediocre then 9 to 5 jobs are good. But if you want to get about this tag then time is just number.
48. Tomorrow is an excuse.

49. Start right now. If you want success then now this moment is the right time to start.

50. Life itself is an Opportunity. Everyday gives us some new opportunities. Those who know how to grab it are "successful".

Top 40 Motivational Quotes

Top 40 Motivational Quotes.

1. Don't waste your time on those who disappointed you. Don't let them drain your energy and joy.

2. Make your own Strategies and work hard on it like it's your destiny.

3. Don't wait for a miracle. Create one.

4. No one gets success overnight. only they know how hard they have worked to get it.

5. Get addict to grow daily.

6. If you make a decision. then be ready to accept its results.
7. Life is the most unpredictable thing. so be ready to get up every time when defeats you.

8. If you really want something from life, then you have to get out of your comfort zone.

9. Never Rule your fathers empire. It's always the best to establish on your own.

10. Trust those people, who really want the best for you.

11. You have to make a promise to yourself that, after this lockdown is over you will work more n more harder to achieve your goals.

12. Focus on what you want. Ignore all the other things from your life. you're going to get what you focus on.

13. Excuses as the biggest lies that you say to yourself. And that excuses slowly kill your dream. You can lie to the world but how can you lie to yourself.

14. Take responsibility to make your life as you want it to be. No one is going to do it for you. You are the only one who can change everything.

15. You have the power inside you. But you can discover it only when you are truly alone.

16. Life is not about giving up. it's about how many times you fall and get up again and again to fight. 

17. If you want to be a Mediocre then 9 to 5 jobs are good. But if you want to get about this tag then time is just number.
18. Tomorrow is an excuse.

19. Start right now. If you want success then now this moment is the right time to start.

20. Life itself is an Opportunity. Everyday gives us some new opportunities. Those who know how to grab it are "successful".

21. If you convert your pain into fire than no one in this world can stop you from achieving what you want.

22. As long as you are alive there is hope.

23. Life is impossible without a struggle. 

24. If you are alone then this is the right time to shine and show the world what you are.

25. You want peace in your life ha!!
    believe me to have that you have to go on war with yourself.

26. Smart people listen to each one's advice but do what their heart says.

27. Don't focus on what you don't have, focus on your resources and how to utilize them.

28. Never hurt your support is because they are the only people standing with you in your hard times.

29. Everything in this life begins with the challenge, nothing will come to you so easily. you have to get it.

30. Our mind continuously gives distracting us to a strong desire. Learn to control your thoughts. If you do it you will be Unstoppable.

31. When something happens in your life that you never thought. And you are totally broken, then just remember that this is just a bad time. Sunrise will happen. "Never give up"

32. Everyone gets a choice. It's on you. You want negativity and failure or you want the positive energy and success.

33. Don't wait for a favorable time to take action. You have to take action daily to achieve your goals.

34. You have To be at your strongest. when you are feeling at your weakest.

35. Life is impossible without a struggle.

36. Never try to be the best. just defeat your own records daily, and one day you will be the best.

37. If you know you are right then you don't have to explain anything to anybody.

38. Self-confidence is nothing but our mindset and vision to see the world.

39. You hungry for success decide how big your success will be.
40. Problems are the presents in your way to success, it's on you, how you see it.

Top 30 Motivational Quotes.

Top 30 Motivational Quotes.

1. When something happens in your life that you never thought. And you are totally broken, then just remember that this is just a bad time. Sunrise will happen. "Never give up"

2. Everyone gets a choice. It's on you. You want negativity and failure or you want the positive energy and success.

3. Don't wait for a favorable time to take action. You have to take action daily to achieve your goals.

4. You have To be at your strongest. when you are feeling at your weakest.

5. Life is impossible without a struggle.

6. Never try to be the best. just defeat your own records daily, and one day you will be the best.

7. If you know you are right then you don't have to explain anything to anybody.

8. Self-confidence is nothing but our mindset and vision to see the world.

9. You hungry for success decide how big your success will be.

10. Problems are the presents in your way to success, it's on you, how you see it.

11. If you convert your pain into fire than no one in this world can stop you from achieving what you want.

12. As long as you are alive there is hope.

13. Life is impossible without a struggle. 

14. If you are alone then this is the right time to shine and show the world what you are.

15. You want peace in your life ha!!
    believe me to have that you have to go on war with yourself.

16. Smart people listen to each one's advice but do what their heart says.

17. Don't focus on what you don't have, focus on your resources and how to utilize them.

18. Never hurt your support is because they are the only people standing with you in your hard times.

19. Everything in this life begins with the challenge, nothing will come to you so easily. you have to get it.

20. Our mind continuously gives distracting us to a strong desire. Learn to control your thoughts. If you do it you will be Unstoppable.

21. You have to make a promise to yourself that, after this lockdown is over you will work more n more harder to achieve your goals.

22. Focus on what you want. Ignore all the other things from your life. you're going to get what you focus on.

23. Excuses as the biggest lies that you say to yourself. And that excuses slowly kill your dream. You can lie to the world but how can you lie to yourself.

24. Take responsibility to make your life as you want it to be. No one is going to do it for you. You are the only one who can change everything.

25. You have the power inside you. But you can discover it only when you are truly alone.

26. Life is not about giving up. it's about how many times you fall and get up again and again to fight.
27. If you want to be a Mediocre then 9 to 5 jobs are good. But if you want to get about this tag then time is just number.

28. Tomorrow is an excuse.

29. Start right now. If you want success then now this moment is the right time to start.

30. Life itself is an Opportunity. Everyday gives us some new opportunities. Those who know how to grab it are "successful".

Top 20 Motivational Quotes.

Top 20 Motivational Quotes.

1. You have to make a promise to yourself that, after this lockdown is over you will work more n more harder to achieve your goals.

2. Focus on what you want. Ignore all the other things from your life. you're going to get what you focus on.

3. Excuses as the biggest lies that you say to yourself. And that excuses slowly kill your dream. You can lie to the world but how can you lie to yourself.

4. Take responsibility to make your life as you want it to be. No one is going to do it for you. You are the only one who can change everything.

5. You have the power inside you. But you can discover it only when you are truly alone.

6. Life is not about giving up. it's about how many times you fall and get up again and again to fight. 

7. If you want to be a Mediocre then 9 to 5 jobs are good. But if you want to get about this tag then time is just number.

8. Tomorrow is an excuse.

9. Start right now. If you want success then now this moment is the right time to start.

10. Life itself is an Opportunity. Everyday gives us some new opportunities. Those who know how to grab it are "successful".

11. If you convert your pain into fire than no one in this world can stop you from achieving what you want.

12. As long as you are alive there is hope.

13. Life is impossible without a struggle. 

14. If you are alone then this is the right time to shine and show the world what you are.

15. You want peace in your life ha!!
    believe me to have that you have to go on war with yourself.

16. Smart people listen to each one's advice but do what their heart says.

17. Don't focus on what you don't have, focus on your resources and how to utilize them.

18. Never hurt your support is because they are the only people standing with you in your hard times.

19. Everything in this life begins with the challenge, nothing will come to you so easily. you have to get it.

20. Our mind continuously gives distracting us to a strong desire. Learn to control your thoughts. If you do it you will be Unstoppable.

Top 10 Motivational Quotes.

Top 10 Motivational Quotes.

1. If you convert your pain into the fire than no one in this world can stop you from achieving what you want.

2. As long as you are alive there is hope.

3. Life is impossible without a struggle.
4. If you are alone then this is the right time to shine and show the world what you are.

5. You want peace in your life ha!!!!
Believe me to have that you have to go on war with yourself.

6. Smart people listen to each one's advice but do what their heart says.

7. Don't focus on what you don't have, focus on your resources and how to utilize them.

8. Never hurt your support is because they are the only people standing with you in your hard times.

9. Everything in this life begins with the challenge,  nothing will come to you so easily. you have to get it. 

10. Our mind continuously gives distracting us to a strong desire. Learn to control your thoughts. If you do it you will be Unstoppable.

What will others think?

What will others think?

What will others think?/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

It's just in your mind.
If you keep thinking like that you will not be able to enjoy your life properly.
And that's the fact.

What will others think about me???. This thought is holding you back from your real potential. It just doesn't matter what others think.



Parents/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Nowadays trusting someone is really difficult.
Other than your parents no one wants your betterment. Others are with you just for their own sake. 

Parents are the only Well-wishers in the whole world.



Easy/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

It's all in the mind✌️✌️.

Everything is easy. If we think it is. Think about it.



Change/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Just by sitting in the front of your TV, or lying on a bed and thinking that the things around you will change, then please be seated dear, and keep running away from your problems, but if you want to improve your conditions then GET UP!!!!!!!!!!
And do something to change it.

Nothing is going to change around you. If you don't want a change in yourself.



Mad/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

If you want to get successful in life then forget the rules of this world. Just do hard work, improve yourself, just become a psycho for your work or passion. You will get the results.

Only mad people can create history.

Believe in yourself

Believe in yourself

Believe in yourself/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Believe in yourself. One should know his/her real power. What they are capable of, their potential. If you want this world to believe in you, first learn to believe in yourself.

You believe in God or not that completely your choice, but at least believe in yourself.

Bad time

Bad time

Bad time/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Almost 98% of people hate their life in some or the other way. And sometimes things just become worst and we don't know how to get out of it and we think that now ending this life is the only way. If you get such wrong thoughts then just go and meet all the people who love you and care for you. Share your thoughts with them discuss your problems with them.


Whenever you are in a bad time, you this want to finish your life, just make a call to your parents, you will know your real value.



Passion/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

In today's world following Passion is taken as a very cool thing. And that's why most of the people start following their passion without understanding what is the real meaning of passion. And then fail in it. So before you start to follow your passion ask yourself properly, is this your real passion??, If the answer is yes, then work on it till you get on its peak.

If you want to follow your passion, then promise yourself that one day, you will be the best in that.



Who/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Your personality is more important than your achievements. What's your behaviour towards others, what's your behaviour towards weaker people than you. That's more important than any other thing because people will always remember how was your behaviour with them.

Instead of focusing on "what" you want to be, focus on "who" you want to be.



Trust/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Nowadays trusting someone is really difficult.
Other than your parents no one wants your betterment. Others are with you just for their own sake. 

Trust those people, who really want the best for you.

Fathers empire

Fathers empire

Fathers empire/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

If you depend on your father after graduation then people will treat you as an idiot.
A self-established man has more respect than others.
and your father wants you to rule his empire then concentrate on making it bigger.

Never Rule your fathers empire. It's always the best to establish on your own.

Comfort zone

Comfort zone

Comfort zone/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Just by sitting in the front of your TV, or lying on a bed and thinking that the things around you will change, then please be seated dear, and keep running away from your problems, but if you want to improve your conditions then GET UP!!!!!!!!!!
And do something to change it.
Get out of your comfort zone.

If you really want something from life, then you have to get out of your comfort zone.



Life/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

We can't predict what our life will be like in the next moment.
But if you are a real fighter and want to achieve your goals at any cost then be ready to defeat any problem in your life.

Life is the most unpredictable thing. so be ready to get up every time when defeats you.



Decision/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Don't blame others for the outcomes of your decisions, if you make any decision in life then be ready to accept all its possible outcomes.

If you make a decision. then be ready to accept its results. 

Grow Daily

Grow Daily

Grow Daily/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

If you want to be "The best", then first be perfect.
Defeat your own records daily.
Keep improving daily.
One day you will automatically be "The best".

Get addict to grow daily.

Overnight Success

Overnight Success

Overnight Success/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

"Overnight success", sounds really cool. 
We think that he/she person got this success overnight, but that person only knows how hard he/she must have worked to get to that position.

No one gets success overnight. only they know how hard they have worked to get it.

Don't Wait

Don't Wait

Don't Wait/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Most of the time we think that our life will automatically change by some miracle, "God will do something for me."
We keep waiting for God, but what if God is waiting for us to take some action.

Don't wait for a miracle. Create one.



Strategies/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Make your plane towards your goal and follow it madly. There will be problems in your way. but don't give up, make some changes in your plan, and keep following it until you get your goals.
And if your plan fails, then don't give up make one more, one more, one more, one more, 
till you achieve your goals.

Make your own Strategies and work hard on it like it's your destiny.



Don't/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Many people will disappoint you in life, they will cheat you, you will feel very very bad about their actions but this feeling will only hurt you.
So just leave them don't waste your time, thinking about them. 

Don't waste your time on those who disappointed you. Don't let them drain your energy and joy.



Problems/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Problems teach us new lessons in life. It makes us stronger every time we face a new problem.
Don't hate your problems learn from them.

Problems are the presents in your way to success, it's on you, how you see it.

Hunger for Success

Hunger for Success

Hunger for Success/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Are you really hungry for your goals in life???
Are you really mad about your success??
You should be if you want your dreams to come true.
Only mad people can create history !!!!!!!

You hungry for success decide how big your success will be.



Self-confidence/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

When we start thinking that, struggle in life is making us weaker then we start finding a way out of it. But when we realize that struggle is actually making us more powerful. then we start enjoying that struggle.
So self-confidence is nothing but our vision.

Self-confidence is nothing but our mindset and vision to see the world.

Don't need to explain

Don't need to explain

Don't need to explain/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

If you are confident about your decision then you don't have to explain anything to anybody.
your result will explain everything. 

If you know you are right then you don't have to explain anything to anybody.

The Best

The Best

The best/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

If you want to succeed in life then promise yourself that you will improve your skills daily, and believe me one day, you will be the best in your field. 

Never try to be the best. just defeat your own records daily, and one day you will be the best.



Struggle/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Our life is impossible without a struggle. Even the richest people also struggle in life for one or the other thing.

Life is impossible without a struggle.

Be strong.

Be strong

Be strong/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

When you start losing hope and want to quit, then my friend this is the right time to work more harder and defeat the difficulties. 
And after this bad time, you will get the results. 

You have To be at your strongest. when you are feeling at your weakest.



Action/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

If you keep waiting success will do the same.
Most of the people wait for the right time to come. They want success but wait for the right time.
Every moment is the right time to start anything good in life 😇😇😇.

Don't wait for a favorable time to take action. You have to take action daily to achieve your goals.

Everyone get a choice.

Everyone get a choice

Everyone get a choice/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Life is full of choices. Our current life is the result of our past choices. We choose to be negative and that holds us back from getting success. We choose to stay in our comfort zone. If you want success than you have to choose the right thing to find your own source of motivation which will last till the end.

Everyone gets a choice. It's on you. You want negativity and failure or you want the positive energy and success.

Never give up

Never give up

Never give up/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Sometimes life gets worst, you are totally broken, but especially at this time don't give up because life is testing you and if you pass this test, life will give you such a reward that you could not even think of.

When something happens in your life that you never thought. And you are totally broken, then just remember that this is just a bad time. Sunrise will happen. "Never give up".



Opportunity/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

Everyone gets an opportunity but some people don't recognize it and those who recognize it, don't take action.
Life gives chances to everyone and you yourself have to recognize it and take action for it.
Risk takers are winners.

Life itself is an Opportunity. Everyday gives us some new opportunities. Those who know how to grab it are "successful".

Start right now

Start right now

If you want success then don't wait for the right time to come because if you keep waiting for the right time than that time will never come. The time you think about your dream that time is the right time to start working for that dream.

Start right now. If you want success then now this moment is the right time to start.



Most of the people promise that they will start their work from tomorrow 😂😂, and unfortunately that tomorrow never comes. It's just an excuse that we give to convenience ourselves. If you want anything from life than you have to start working "now"

Tomorrow is an excuse.



Mediocre/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

If you want to get successful, if you want to do something different then time does not matter.
If you want to be mediocre and want a simple life then you will be happy with your 9 to 5 job. But if you want a high standard life then don't worry about time, just keep working to achieve it. 

If you want to be a Mediocre then 9 to 5 jobs are good. But if you want to get about this tag then time is just number.

Fight again

Fight again

Fight again/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

You will face many problems in your way to success. But every time you fall, you should get up and push yourself harder. Each failure will teach you a new meaning of success.

Life is not about giving up. it's about how many times you fall and get up again and again to fight.

Power inside you

Power inside you

Power inside you/  Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes

When we are completely alone. There is no one around you when no one is supporting you, at that time if you give up then you are completely destroyed but if you still try hard and show them what you are really capable of.

You have the power inside you. But you can discover it only when you are truly alone.

Take your own responsibility

Take your own responsibility

Take your own responsibility/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

If you want to live your life on its top then take the string in your hand. Don't let anyone else make the decision for you. Take your own decision. 
And take responsibility for any outcome it gives. 

Take responsibility to make your life as you want it to be. No one is going to do it for you. You are the only one who can change everything.



You can give excuses to others, but deep inside you know that they are not at all valid. You are not fooling others. You are just fooling yourself. Stop giving excuses and get back to work.

Excuses as the biggest lies that you say to yourself. And that excuses slowly kill your dream. You can lie to the world but how can you lie to yourself.

What you have!!

What you have!!

Focus is the key to success. Everyone has problems but sometimes we have to ignore them for a while and focus on our goal. And after we achieve our goals all most of the problems get solved automatically 😇😇😇😇.

Focus on what you want. Ignore all the other things from your life. you're going to get what you focus on.

Lockdown motivation


No one can take our dreams away. Our governments are fighting with the virus ones they get successful the next turn is yours to get successful in your goals. Let's get ready for the fight 😠😠😠. 

You have to make a promise to yourself that, after this lockdown is over you will work more n more harder to achieve your goals.



Mind/ Motivational image/ Motivational quotes/ Quotes/ Inspirational quotes.

We always do what our mind says, but our mind mostly tells us the things which are easy to do. But if it's easy to do than the result you will get will be very small. If you want to change your life than you have to learn to control your mind.

Our mind continuously gives distracting us to a strong desire. Learn to control your thoughts. If you do it you will be Unstoppable.

Do something about it.

Do something about it.

Everyone has problems in life, but those who find out the way to overcome their problems become successful and others just compromise with their problems. This is the difference between successful people and losers.

You have a problem with your life??? 
You have a problem with the situation??? 
Do something about it!!!! 
Don't give up so easily!!!



Nothing is simple in life. Life always needs effort and hard work. Nothing is going to come directly. You can not get anything by sitting at home and thinking that your life will change. Then please keep thinking it will never come true. If you want it, get up, do whatever it takes, and get it 😠😠😠. 

Everything in this life begins with the challenge, nothing will come to you so easily. you have to get it.

Never hurt your supporters!!!

Never hurt your supporters

Sometimes when the situation is against us and we get frustrated, by mistake we hurt our supporters. But if our supporters go away then we will be alone and easy to break.

Never hurt your support is because they are the only people standing with you in your hard times.